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Kids need Kiwanis. Kiwanis needs YOU.



Kiwanis International is committed to helping the children of the world. There are more than 300,000 members of all ages involved in Kiwanis youth programs. Almost all Kiwanis clubs sponsor a Service Leadership Project (SLP) club and do projects with youth. When we work with and mentor youth during projects and activities, their care and welfare are being entrusted to us.


It might be hard to believe that a troubling incident involving a youth and/or club member(s) could happen in any club or community. But there are countless examples in all places, with all types of youth service organizations. Every member has to know how to protect the youth with whom we interact and ourselves.


Kiwanians in particular have good reason to act with the highest standards. As the premier provider of youth service clubs and programs, we need to hold ourselves and our fellow members to the highest standards of conduct and awareness.


These resources outline Kiwanis’ policies related to working with youth and provide training materials to implement a training at your club, division or district event:

Ohio District Kiwanis Club



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