2025 Application
In 2023, the Berea Kiwanis Club initiated a grant process. The purpose of these grants is to demonstrate a visible and tangible commitment to the Kiwanis mission by striving to positively impact children and/or positively impact the City of Berea. In 2023, $8100 in grants were awarded. In 2024, $10,800 in grants were awarded. A committee of Berea Kiwanis members evaluates and selects the winning proposals. Proposal winners are invited to a Club meeting to discuss the details of their grant and receive their check.
CLICK on the link for a copy of the 2025 grant process.
If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Haas at:
440-227-9723 or
Grant Application Download
Click on the button above. Save the file to your PC. You can open the application, fill in the information, then save the completed application back to your PC. Then attach the application to an email, and send it to OR, you can print the application and mail it to Berea Kiwanis P.O. Box 444 Berea Ohio 44017.